Coming back after the summer is tiring for everyone. Read our advice and get fit with all the taste and good cheer you find in Wana products.
September: time to return to the office, back to school, chores to be done. Alarm clocks burst into your most secret dreams and bring you back to a reality of routine, commitments and tiredness. Would you like to get in shape, but don't know where to start? Here are some simple exercises you can do every morning to start your day with a smile and a hint of Wana that makes you feel good.
1st Rollover from bed
The alarm clock has gone off and you don't feel like getting up? Don't worry, with a good rollover you can get out of bed effortlessly and without having to get upright. First, stretch a little. Keeping your back in contact with the mattress, raise your arms up to the ceiling, keep them nice and tight and push them up over your head. It will help fill your lungs, stretch your ribcage and wake up your stomach. Bring your arms outstretched along your legs and turn onto your side so that you are looking at the middle of the bed. Are you ready? Oplà! With a good bounce roll onto your back until you are supine on the floor. Well done! You have completed the first exercise!
2° Push-ups, one
Now that you are supine on the floor, it is time to strengthen your arms. Place your hands on the floor at shoulder height and keep your elbows bent, but firm. Now bring one knee closer to your pelvis and point your foot to the floor. Repeat with the other knee. Grab onto the edge of the bed with your hands, extend your legs and slowly lift your back. Excellent, the second exercise is also completed and you can say that you have done push-ups, or almost.
3° Elongations
Stretching is essential for the health of our bone structure and a few exercises every morning are a panacea to get through the whole day without joint pain. After standing, then, go to the bathroom, sit on the toilet and stretch your arms towards the toilet roll - we know it's on the sink and not in the toilet roll holder. Between stretches you are free to take care of your physiological needs, indeed. If you do the big one it's even better, because you'll need to stretch over and over again and your spine will be grateful.
4th Lifting
Lifting weights helps to strengthen the entire back muscles, better support the spine and maintain correct posture throughout the day. Before you get dressed to run to the office, therefore, sit down at the table and do some exercises. The first few times we recommend starting with light weights, such as a small cup of coffee. When you feel more exercised, you can switch to a cup of tea and if you really want to leave all your friends speechless, lift a cup of milk with cereal and a spoon, but always remember to alternate your right and left arm so that you don't have one limb more powerful than the other.
5th Squat
After so much effort, your body needs to replenish protein. How? With a Wana product that is rich in taste, sugar-free and gluten-free. Before you bite into one of our snacks, though, make one last effort. Stand in front of the Wana cupboard, keep your feet parallel and your back straight, bend your knees without leaning forward with your torso and stretch your arms towards the cupboard. Did you manage to grab your Wana? No? Then repeat the exercise three times and if you still haven't found your favourite Wana, read our extra tip.
Running to the supermarket
If on your third squat you still haven't managed to grab a Wana from the larder, they are most likely finished. Stop for a second to catch your breath and run to the door - it doesn't matter if you're still in your pyjamas - the courier will be waiting with a new packet of Wana for you to enjoy.
If you arrive at the door and no one is there, don't despair. You can order your new Wana on our online shopor run to the nearest shop to stock up and wake up all your muscles in one exercise! Read the reviews by Simonaone of our customers.