Good, healthy and cheerful. Find out what ingredients make Wana Functional Sweets so great. Read our article.


Wana Functional Sweets can put you in a good mood because within them you find everything you need to be happy and don't let guilt assail you! They are free of trans fats, palm oil, gluten, GMOs and added sugar, but you already knew that. What you may not know is that we have carefully selected each ingredient to make you feel good about yourself and the world. Here is what you will find in our protein snacks:


Wafer to say things out of the blue

Biting into the wafer of Wana Functional Sweets has a cathartic power. You know when you are going through a tough situation at work or in your family, and you feel helpless in the face of difficulties? Biting into a Wana bar waffle makes you realise that you have to take life head-on, speaking out of the teeth. When you finish your Wana, you realise how easy it is to bite the bullet and get the better of it, and you deal with life in the same way: without mincing words, but going straight to the heart of the problem and solving it once and for all.


Chocolate to put you in a good mood

Needless to explain all the benefits chocolate has for our mood and wellbeing. Wana products are protein-based Functional Sweets, but their cream is made from real chocolate and provides the body with the full mix of vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, theobromine and tryptophan contained in cocoa beans. These substances activate serotonin and make you feel better immediately, even after a hectic day where you feel like everything is falling apart.


Chocolate is a natural anti-depressant and you only need to eat a small amount to feel energised straight away!


Protein for the strength to overcome any obstacle

Proteins are essential to give our bodies the energy they need to produce the hormones that keep us fit.

Besides being good because they have a crispy wafer wafer and chocolate cream, Wana Functional Sweets are rich in protein that are good for the skin, hair, muscles and internal organs of our body. In addition, Wana snacks contain no palm oil, gluten, trans fats or added sugar and give you only positive energy, without weighing you down or making you fat!


Taste to satisfy the palate

No, Wana snacks are not the usual protein bars that taste like cardboard. What is the point of eating healthy food if you then become sad and disgusted? With Wana products, every bite is an explosion of pleasure because the cream tastes like your favourite foodsClose your eyes, listen to your inner voice and choose the flavour that best suits your day: energy and the desire to rock the world are guaranteed!


try all the flavours with wana packs!

Discovery Pack
Modular WanaBox of 8 Waffand'Cream - choose the flavours you want!
Waffand'Cream pack of 48 bars - choose 4 boxes of the flavours you want!

take home your favourite flavours!

EatMe Chocolates!
Healthy eating the 10 rules


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